Case Study

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How Epipresto digitized Product Listings from images 10X faster in 2 Languages.

Auto generating Brand Name, Quantity and Product Name from Images for an eCommerce product listing.


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Grocery, eCommerce


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Epipresto is a digital local grocery delivery platform. Based in Montreal, they offer the possibility of ordering products from your neighborhood grocery stores and having them delivered the same day.


Djalil spoke with us when he was in the process of creating product listings for his items. He was looking to move away from manually writing the product name, quantity and brand name as it was time taking. It would take him 2-3 min writing details for each items.When we started exploring options in the market that could do both French and English listings he could find services done manually but nothing fully automated.

Djalil decided to use SnapWrite AI because it was offering him a fully automated solution to his problem.

He wanted to write these product details in English and French.

  1. Product Name
  2. Quantity of the Product
  3. Brand Name


SnapWrite AI could generate the product name, quantity and brand name directly from his images without him having to type anything manually.

1. Automated detection of Product Name, Brand Name and Quantity in French

2. Automated detection of Product Name and Quantity in English

Let us know if you’re interested in similar solutions that Epipresto has. You can book a time to chat with our team here.

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