Case Study

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Piece by Piece Kids made their work flow 3X faster and increased product discoverability

Automating Shopify Product Listing generated in 3 seconds for each item (Title, Handle, Description)

12 hrs

Monthly saved

100 -> 350

Increased item uploads


Pre-loved, Rescued


Previous Solution


Piece By Piece Kids

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Piece by Piece Kids, based in Richmond Hill, ON, Canada, offers a curated collection of high-end and everyday preloved kids' wear. The business has an online presence via their Shopify store and is owned by Katie who is also a solo founder.


Katie was interested in finding a solution that would help her

  1. Save time
  2. Grow her business
  3. Increase Product Discoverability

Those were the points SnapWrite AI helped her with.


SnapWrite AI detected about 4,000 words over 200 product images in the month of October that Katie did not have to type and it increased her speed by 3X.

1. Automated feature detection (color, fabric, etc) for apparel to avoid manual work

SnapWrite AI automatically detects product features. Product features like product’s color, sleeve length, fabric, etc are detected and products are automatically labelled. This saved Katie from the process of manually writing the color, features and the tags for each item.

2. Increased discoverability through richly labelled items

Product Discoverability increases. When someone searches for “Red” colored items on the store they pop up, which otherwise could have been missed if items were manually labelled. SnapWrite AI populates the Shopify “Tags” with the granular product features increasing an item’s discoverability on the website.

3. Auto populating an entire Shopify excel sheet and a Product Listing

SnapWrite AI auto populates the Handle, Color, Title, Item Type, Tags, Description and most items in the excel sheet so the user does not have to spend time typing these details. These details are detected from the product image itself.

Let us know if you’re interested in similar solutions that Piece By Piece Kids has. You can book a time to chat with our team here.

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